Design Chat
Vibe Is Bright offers on demand texting to chat about any of your design dilemmas. Get personalized advice on room layouts, furniture or decor purchases, set up for special events (like big dinners or house parties) and more. Whether you’re stumped trying to get started or already knee-deep in decisions, we can jump right in with expert advice to get you clear and sorted. We’ll give you thoughtful ideas, tips and tricks of the trade, and even a good, stern “don’t do it!” if you need it.
How It Works
Sign up for Design Chat access based on the length of your project. You can choose from one intensive day or up to 4 weeks. Whatever makes the most sense for you and your needs.
Fill out a detailed questionnaire and attach photos of your space so we understand your unique style, challenges and goals. You’ll also let us know when you want to begin.
On your start date, shoot us a text message with your ideas, questions and photos — just like you would with a friend. We’ll get back to you throughout your access period with expert advice that you can implement right away, and be there for you every step of the way.
Take a picture for us! We love to see our designs come to life and we love to celebrate your bold moves. Seriously, we want to know how it turned out and if there’s anything else we can do to make your space fully reflect you.
Perfect If You:
— Have an eye for design, but need a second opinion on a big purchase or new layout
— Don’t know where to start tackling your own design project
— Don’t have the budget for a full design package, but still want expert guidance
— Like shopping for yourself or you love to DIY
— Have a home project on hold, finally have some time to focus on it and want to turn it around quickly
— Are always asking your friends design questions but they’re just not the ones :)
Book Now
Price is based on length of time you want access. Select from 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks or 4 weeks.